Joshua House Life Centers

Joshua House Life Centers™ is a charitable ministry, founded by missionaries Jim and Sandy McCann, providing children's homes, orphan rescues, Christian education, churches, health & wellness, outreaches and missions in the Ukraine. JHLC ministers to the poor, impoverished, widows and orphans; demonstrating the Gospel by bringing deliverance to those who are oppressed - in sin, sickness, disease, poverty and extreme suffering; feeding the hungry, speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves, bringing in the lonely, naked and orphaned for adoption and parenting; daily and practically demonstrating the love of Christ through our Joshua House ministry.

Our Mission, is to raise and train disciples of Jesus Christ to maturity, sending them out to begin new Joshua House Life Centers, until there are 100+ centers throughout the Ukraine and other countries, with an emphasis on exemplifying God's love in everyday life.

Currently, we have two centers, in the Carpathian Mountains, Ukraine, which house two children's homes, a youth fellowship, a summer campground, and outreaches to the poor and needy, orphaned and widowed, sick and elderly.  We have a third center, in the city of L’viv, Ukraine, where we are feeding and housing displaced women, children, and elderly, from the war torn areas of Eastern, Ukraine; and where our Heavenly Church meets.