Turka Life Centers

The Need - The mountain villages; in the Turka region of Ukraine, are full of hurting and needy children – poor, orphaned, abandoned, abused, neglected, and unwanted. Opening two family homes, in this region, has enabled us to take a number of these children, and parent them; as well as to minister more effectively to the rest of these desperate children, on an ongoing basis. Yet, in the wake of the current crisis in Ukraine, many more children are becoming orphans almost daily. So, the need for more Joshua House Life Centers, along with loving parents, is great... so that we can rescue many more!

The Laborers - Some of our own children, whom we have raised up in our Joshua House Life Centers, have a call from the Lord to stay and minister full-time to the needs here. Some have recently married, and will become loving and compassionate, devoted parents to many of these orphans. Others will be ministering to unwanted children as "foster" parents, nurturing them with God's love, and demonstrating godly character for them to pattern their lives after. Others have been called to be evangelists, pastors, and missionaries; to minister to the spiritual needs of the villagers. And still others will help with farming, cooking, maintenance, administration, teaching, nursing, etc.

The Vision

Family-type Children's Homes – at least 6 homes, housing up to 10 children each, with a loving a caring mother and father. These houses will provide a nice, clean environment, where families can be raised and nurtured in the admonition of the Lord, with joy and peace, and many new and happy memories to replace the nightmares of their pasts. Along with each home, a church will be started, and the surrounding villages will be ministered to.

Children's Shelter – a refuge for poor, abandoned, broken-hearted children, seeking hope and an answer for their insurmountable difficulties. Children will be free to come and stay as they desire, to have their many needs met, as our doors will always be open to them. Orphans awaiting adoption will also find comfort and direction here.

Organic Farm – to minister to the health needs of these sick, diseased, and malnourished children. As the Lord intended, we want to be able to offer these children healthy food (free of chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics), that will bring health, strength, vitality, and longevity to their bodies – better equipping them for godly service.

Campground – providing exciting challenges and a joyous place of retreat for hurting children, where their souls and spirits can be ministered to in a concentrated manner, in a welcoming atmosphere of godly fellowship and love.

Adoption Agency – facilitating national and international adoptions; so that many orphans, too numerous for us to be able to care for ourselves, can be placed into loving, Christian families.

School - to provide quality, Christian education, where there are practically no educational opportunities at all. This would provide an opportunity to promote the Gospel, as well as to rebuild a broken-down community. Children would learn Christian principles from a young age, impacting the course of their lives. And instead of becoming poor and hopeless alcoholics and criminals like their parents, these students would be prepared and equipped to become leaders in their community, bringing transformation and hope.

Medical Clinic & Wellness Center – to minister to the health and medical needs of poor and impoverished communities; where malnutrition, sickness and disease run rampant. Poor hygiene, unsanitary living conditions, and unclean water only magnify the problem. Miracles of healing undoubtedly will be witnessed as well, as we pray prayers of faith over the sick who enter our doors, giving glory and honor to God.

Conference Center – to facilitate conferences and seminars, in addition to church services and ministry activities. It would also be a meeting place, where all our missionaries, and the children they've taken in, can meet together for instruction, encouragement, fellowship, and refreshment. Facilities would include a conference hall, dining hall, ministerial offices, classrooms, and hotel accommodations.

Recreation Center – providing indoor and outdoor sports and recreational opportunities, for health and refreshment. It would be utilized by the children we minister to, our medical & wellness center patients, campers, and those attending our conferences, or seeking retreat.

Business Center – for starting new businesses, providing employment opportunities for local villagers, and a source of financial support for the Life Center ministries. These businesses will also cater to the needs of those staying in our facilities.