Please Pray With Us For

Conviction, repentance, salvation, fullness of the Holy Spirit, God's love and boldness for others and the lost.

Wisdom and understanding for how to parent many children, and disciple them at the same time - the children who live with us, as well as those in our youth/children's church.

Spiritual, physical, and mental health. Strength and energy from the Holy Spirit to be able to fully lay our lives down in Jesus' name for this nation - Sandy and I, as well as our co-workers.

More laborers for this tremendous harvest. An awakening in the children's hearts of visions, callings and dreams from God concerning His will for their lives.

More laborers called to begin more Joshua House Life Centers in different villages and cities. And revelation knowledge of those children whom God has called to be laborers together with us in this ministry.

An awakening in the children's hearts of visions, callings and dreams from God concerning His will for their lives.

More space for our growing youth/children's church.

God's glory (real glory) - His presence to be restored in the church here in the Ukraine - especially in every children's service, so they will always know and desire His true glory and presence.

God to send the right children whom He wants to come into our family.

God's direction for where to begin the next Joshua House Life Center.

God's protection, in the midst of the current Russian/Ukrainian conflict.