Our Church

New Life Family Church is composed mostly of children and youth, whom we are discipling and preparing to be leaders in ministry. They are the ones carrying out most of the main responsibilities of the church. We emphasize that the church is a family. And we try to live this out in all that we do - watching out for their total needs - spiritually, physically, emotionally, and scholastically.

Because our church meets in a large house, it gives more of a homey, comfortable, welcoming feeling to those who come.

Joshua House is open to all who desire to come all day, every day - for fellowship, ministry, and other activities such as prayer meetings, music lessons, praise dance, hospitality dinners, and inter-church ministries. Leaders from other churches come and visit our services to learn and receive impartation to take back to their home churches.

Children’s Ministry

The Lord has shown us the importance of raising up a new generation for Christ, in this former communist country. After our son, Joshua, died; the Lord began bringing us children to minister to. And they’ve continued to come. As we have no children of our own, the spiritual children the Lord brings to us have become like our own children. Our goal is to disciple them; and prepare most of them to go into full-time ministry themselves. Others are being trained to go into business, so that they can support their families and the work of the Kingdom of God. We help them with their physical needs by supplying them with food, clothing, and medical help; and some with a place to live.

We meet their emotional needs by loving them, being a family for them, praying and counseling with them. We provide scholastic tutoring and special classes for them as well. As the Lord provides, we will set up a scholarship fund for further educational opportunities after graduation from high school. We are working to rebuild the walls of a society that was ruined through communism. (The majority of the people live in poverty. Many people, including church leaders and youth, are fleeing the country because of the hopelessness felt here.) In the summer, we hold camp for the children, training conferences, restoration retreats, special trips and outings. We have seen the Lord restore good memories to replace the ones that had brought so much suffering and heartache in their early childhood.


Our children and youth are actively involved in all of our outreach activities; such as evangelizations in orphanages, schools, prisons, hospitals, theatres, villages, and the town square. They carry the bulk of the load when we hold our neighborhood crusades - days of fun with games, prizes, music, puppets, and drama; followed by the preaching of the Gospel, distribution of Bibles and other Christian literature, and invitations to various churches in the area.

We also have a regular ministry to the poor and needy, invalids, widows, the elderly and shut-ins. Our children bring them food and clothing, spend time with them, pray with them, and share the love of God and His Gospel with them. They return with glowing testimonies of the sick being healed, the elderly getting saved just before passing away, and the poor receiving our food bags when they had nothing left to eat. The Lord is using children to advance His Kingdom!